As many of you are aware, Saturday Morning Training at Riverside School has continued over the Summer Holidays.
When primary school restarts again in the next few days, you may have friends and acquaintances, who have children looking to join a local Junior Football team.
Please pass on details of Tadcaster Albion JFC and ask them to come down to Riverside on Saturday mornings in the coming weeks.
We are having a full “Registration Day” for new joiners on Saturday 4th September between 9:45am and 11:00am.
When primary school restarts again in the next few days, you may have friends and acquaintances, who have children looking to join a local Junior Football team.
Please pass on details of Tadcaster Albion JFC and ask them to come down to Riverside on Saturday mornings in the coming weeks.
We are having a full “Registration Day” for new joiners on Saturday 4th September between 9:45am and 11:00am.
As a Club with the highest level of F.A. Charter Standard, we have plenty of capacity for new joiners in Mini-Soccer.
Nick Brown 07778 993896 nickbrown@btinternet.com
Andy Charlesworth 07525 198966 andy.charlesworth@moularuk.com
Sharon Conway 07720 426073 sharon_conway@uk.ibm.com