Players from Tadcaster Albion JFC literally had a 'field day' at Wetherby today, where they dominated the Competition. Players including Saul Guilford, Paul Hick, Owen Hick, Josh Jackson, Harry Jackson, Jack Burton, James Oliver, Cavan Conway and Joel Brown were spread amongst the competing teams even (at one point) playing each other. The scout team featuring Paul Hick & Josh Jackson were unfortunately knocked out in the quarter-final. The 'Tadcaster B' team (as they were called) featuring Saul Guilford, Harry 'Rooney' Jackson, Jack Burton, James Oliver and Owen Hick were beaten by 'Tad A' in the semis (2-1). This game featured a stunning strike from Cavan Conway which was straight out of 'Christiano Ronaldo's Big Book of Impossible Goals'.
The 'Tadcaster A' Team really gelled after an inauspicious start with some fantastic 'give and go' play from Joel, Cavan and potential new Tadcaster Albion U11 signing Matthew Orr. Everyone did exactly as the manager asked and concentrated on their own area of play (which was a very wide area for our attacking midfielders!). The defence was firm and the Goalkeeper (another potential new signing for Tad - Josh McCarthy) was absolutely outstanding. We even had a bit of light relief when Joel Brown was cautioned for dissent.....;
'Tadcaster A' reached the final playing a total of 6 games in the blistering heat. Both halves and extra time ended in deadlock (their opponents were '1st Wetherby Lions') with the final result being decided on penalties. Joel bravely stepped up to take the first penalty which was so coolly executed that the ambient temperature of the whole postcode dropped a degree...; The running score flipped and flipped again with Tad having the advantage and then Wetherby. Cavan proved that watching Man Utd is not an entirely wasted exercise, dummied the keeper and struck it so hard past the keeper's head that his left ear needed an ice-pack.
It was all down to the last strike from Tadcaster goalie Josh McCarthy (who had saved 2 out or the 5 penalties taken against him) - Josh proved he was just as adept at scoring penalties as saving them and 'Tadcaster A' won the Tournament. Thanks to Tad Parents Contingent (including Shelly, Stu, Alan, Denise, Graham, Debs, Cathy J, Frank, Jez, Mandy and Sharon -sorry if I've missed anyone) who turned out to lend their support. Great Day - Great Win!