Unfortunately, we have received complaints about the conduct of players waiting to use the facilities at Tadcaster Leisure Centre for Friday night training. This is disappointing given that the Staff at the Leisure Centre have been more than generous both in the heavy discount in cost they have passed on for the use of the facilities and by allowing us to 'block-book' until the Spring. The alternative is we return to outside training at Riverside with all that entails.
Please don't leave your child unattended in the reception area of the Centre. Our insurance only covers the players when a Coach is in attendance. On Friday night, some players were dropped outside the door/in the entrance. Please wait with your child, making sure that he/she doesn't hinder the progress of any paying customers of the Leisure Centre. We would rather retain this valuable facility - not just for our current age-group, but for all of the other junior football teams within Tadcaster Albion.